The Generalized Weyl Poisson algebras and their Poisson simplicity criterion.


  • V. Bavula School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Ключові слова:

The Generalized Weyl Poisson algebras, a Poisson simplicity criterion, a Poisson ideal, the classical polynomial Poisson algebra


A new large class of Poisson algebras, the class of generalized Weyl Poisson algebras, is introduced. It can be seen as Poisson algebra analogue of generalized Weyl algebras. A Poisson simplicity criterion is given for generalized Weyl Poisson algebras and an explicit description of the Poisson centre is obtained. Many examples are considered.


V. V. Bavula, The Generalized Weyl Poisson algebras ans their Poisson simplicity criterion, arXiv:1902.00695.




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