The number of integer polynomials whose discriminants are divided by a large prime power.
Ключові слова:
Integer polynomials, the discriminant of a polynomial, estimates from above for the number of polynomials, p-adic norm, prime powerАнотація
The number of integer polynomials whose discriminants are divided by a large prime power.Посилання
V. Beresnevich, V. Bernik, F. G.otze, The distribution of close conjugate algebraicnumbers, Compos. Math. 146 (2010), no. 5, 1165–1179.
D. Koleda, On an estimate from above of the number of third-degree integer polynomials with a given boundary of discriminants,Vestsi NAS Belarusi. Ser. fiz.-mat. navuk (2010),no. 3, 10–16 (in Russian).