On non-periodic groups with non-Dedekind locally nilpotent norm of decomposable subgroups.


  • F. Lyman Department of Mathematics, Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine
  • T. Lukashova Department of Mathematics, Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine
  • M. Drushlyak Department of Mathematics, Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine

Ключові слова:

Norm, norm of decomposable subgroups, non-Dedekind norm, locally nilpotent norm, non-periodic group


In group theory the findings related to the study of groups, subgroups (or the system of subgroups) of which have some theoretical group property, have given restrictions, are in the focus. In some cases the presence of one characteristic subgroup with a certain property can be the determining factor for the structure of the group.


F. N. Liman, T. D. Lukashova, On the norm of decomposable subgroups in locally finite groups, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 67 (2015), no. 4, 480-488.

F. N. Liman, T. D. Lukashova, On the norm of decomposable subgroups in the non-periodic groups, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 67 (2015), no. 12, 1679-1689.

F. N. Liman, Groups, all decomposable subgroups of which are invariant Ukr. Mat. Zh. 22 (1970), no. 6, 725-733 (in Russian).




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