About group isotopes with inverse property.
Słowa kluczowe:
Quasigroup, IP-quasigroup, invertible function, group isotopeAbstrakt
About group isotopes with inverse property.Bibliografia
V.D. Belousov, Foundations of the theory of quasigroups and loops, (in Russian). Moscow, Nauka, 1967.
F.M. Sokhatsky, On group isotopes II, Ukrainian Math.J. 47(12) (1995), 1935–1948.
F.M. Sokhatsky, Parastrophic symmetry in quasigroup theory, Bulletin of Donetsk National University. Series A: Natural Sciences. (2016), no. 1/2, 70–83.
F. Sokhatsky, A. Lutsenko, A truss of varieties of IP-quasigroups. In: Abstracts of the young disciplines "Pidstryhach reading - 2019" Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics (in Ukrainian). Lviv 27-29 May, 2019. http://www.iapmm.lviv.ua/chyt2019/abstracts/Lucenko.pdf