Variants of absolute direct summand property.
Słowa kluczowe:
ADS, essentially ADS, type ADS modules and rings, automorphism invariant modulesAbstrakt
Variants of absolute direct summand property.Bibliografia
A. Alahmadi, S.K. Jain and A. Leroy, ADS modules, J. Algebra 352 (2012), 215-222.
C. Abdio.glu, J. .Zemli.cka, On type-ADS modules and rings, J. Algebra Appl. 17 (2018), no. 5, 1850083.
M. Tamer Ko.san, Truong Cong Quynh, J. .Zemli.cka, Essentially ADS modules and rings, Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Noncommutative Rings and their Applications, Contemp. Math. 727 (2019), 223–236.